Most people might not know the power of htaccess, here I want to discuss some important and useful tips & tricks about the htaccess. its helps to protect your web server against venomous attacks. It’s also many helps you to perform simple tasks efficiently such as web server optimization, redirection, Security, Secure directories by disabling
Our concern is to urge values of multiple checked checkboxes mistreatment PHP as follows: to get Value of a checked checkbox : <form action="#" method="post"> <input type="checkbox" name="gender" value="Male">Male</input> <input type="checkbox" name="gender" value="Female">Female</input> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit"/> </form> <?php if (isset($_POST['gender'])){ echo $_POST['gender']; // Displays value of checked checkbox. } ?> <form action="#" method="post">
Sessions variables are used to maintain states at HTTP address, which is store individual clients’ information at the web server. Here I explain how you enable to create sessions in PHP via PHP Login form and how the web server responds according to client’s request. For start a PHP Session: <?php session_start(); // Do Something
Some of the foremost powerful applications on net ar created victimization PHP – that indicates however potent this net development framework is. Over the years, there are completely different versions of PHP discharged from time to time. Knowing PHP basics each} & every PHP framework obtainable could also be quite tedious unless you have got
This is a decent tip about PHO-Difference Between Comparison Operators (Logical operators), however, it’s missing a sensible example that demonstrates once a non-strict comparison will cause issues. If you employ strpos() to work out whether or not a substring exists inside a string (it returns FALSE if the substring isn’t found), the results may be
Are you longing for image transfer and size PHP script. I had enforced an easy PHP script to re-sizing image into totally different dimensions, Upload and Resize an Image with PHP. it’s totally helpful to your internet comes to save lots of hosting house and information measure to cut back the initial image to compressed
CKEditor may be a made internet text editor, which may be used within your hypertext markup language sites. This hypertext markup language text editor permits several of the powerful redaction functions found on desktop editors like Microsoft Word to your internet. this is often featured with several blessings like making ready your mail content, making